Tike Ljubljana

For Tike you would need an account for faster checkout. You can create them on their website.

Your account information MUST match your profile (See example below).

After creating accounts go to the account section and insert your mail and password.


  • Region: Ljubljana

  • Style: Presents style code of the product and it is used to monitor the item, will be provided in the discord

  • Sizes: Since tike usually drops only yeezys you would need choose full and third sizes. They announce size run on their instagram.

  • Profiles: Profile should match with the info in your account.

  • Proxies: Tike does not ban, but to be safe you can use them.

  • Mode: Only Account available

  • Account: Choose account which you want to run

  • Checkout delay: Delays are in milliseconds. Since Tike oversell a lot is suggested to run different checkout delays (Example: 100,1000,1500)

  • City ID: Search for the city you have in Profile and Account.City IDs are provided here.

Last updated