
Starcow is a store located in Paris. They drop Jordans, yeezys and sb dunks.


Starcow requires accounts, since they do no support guest checkout. You need to create them manually, because you will need to verify your phone number. Multiple accounts can be verified with the same phone number. You don't need to insert your address, bot will take it from your profile. Created accounts insert in Accounts section.


  • Product URL: Insert here the link of the item you want to check out. Starcow usually shock drops, therefore be ready to mass edit you tasks.

  • Size: Sizes are in US format.

  • Profiles: Bot will take the informations from your profiles. Starcow requires zip code with country prefix. Please check manually in which format your zip code is correct, otherwise you wont be able to checkout. Starcow is very strict on shipping to the same address. Create your profiles with different addresses, phone numbers and names.

  • Proxies: On hype drops only french IP's can connect to their website. Have you FR proxies ready.

  • Mode: Paypal

You can create more tasks on the same account. If account checks out other tasks on the same account will go to OOS retrying, even if the item is still instock. This will prevent you orders getting canceled.

Checkout process:

When you start your tasks the datadome window will pop up and you would need to solve a puzzle. When the puzzle has been successfully solved, the window will automatically close.

If the window is stuck on the screen below press CTRL + R.

Starcow has a 5 minute cart hold and carts usually expire, because the site dies often and people can't check out. Drops can last for 30 minutes or even longer, so the key for success is persistency.

Last updated