
Solebox is a shop located in Germany. Most of the releases drop online on Solebox. Before using our module please read this guide and ask questions at least 12 hours before drops in our Discord server.

How do I get PID?

Our team will provide PIDs at least 24 hours before every drop.

Profile Specifications

When creating a profile for Solebox, make sure you use your street number in Address #2 field in our software. Do not put any numbers in Address #1.

First you have to download EditThisCookie extension from ( When you have the extension head over to Open the extension and search for the _pxhd. Copy the value in from the PX Cookie box.

After you harvested cookie, do not remove it. Keep your browser open and when you get Solve PX Challenge status on your task simply head over to the and solve the challenge.

Use one cookie on max. 3 tasks. If you want to create more tasks create new Google Chrome profiles and repeat the process.

Preload Mode

Preload PID - Size PID used for preloading (this one is removed from your cart before you checkout real item. You can find it in our Discord server

Checkout PID - Size PID of a product that you will actually checkout. We provide PIDs in our Discord server

Our module is based on preload mode. You have to start tasks before the actual drop or restock (We suggest that you do it 10 minutes before you actually want to cop something). It takes about a minute to preload an item. Once preload is done you can either use the same PID as you have in your account or change it by editing your task.

Once item is live click on package located on the left side of the stop button.

Last updated